9733 bigonmusic's Profile

21078 Points
(>*~*)> ?!


ripple effect. 365 days + 75 yrs. free palestine <3 none of us are free until all of us are free

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first musics post :3 vox soon hopefully. i <3 9733 . free Palestine . thank you for being here, check on your friends, check on yrslf xoxoxoxox

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two posts bc ily. made on my phone out of a lil drawing i took a pic of and edited a thousand times xx

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Hi everyone you matter very much xoxoxo please keep going, you’re doing great and you’re valid regardless <3 voted most likely to be mushy on 9733 and still not post any of my lil songs mwaha okay please try to be kind to yourselves! free palestine xx

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iMovie collage. going to post my so called music here sometime this year i swear. stay warm and do things that make your heart blush xoxo free palestine

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lake ontario many yrs ago. brain is soupy rn but more positive messaging soon. You matter so much, thank you for holding on, even if we have to take things one day at a time. did u know u are inspirational to others? srsly. okay ily ttyl xoxo

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HYPER PUNK :p made on Microsoft Paint xx I hope everyone is managing to keep their heads above the water, loving boldly, acknowledging themselves and cherishing the little things in life the best they can~i believe in u, u are valid, u matter, takecare

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wip :* started doing watercolours~ if anyone kind and caring wants art made 4 any reason i do collages on my phone, microsoft paint art/edits, drawing (and now painting??) most willing to do it for free if needed. Hope everyone is doing well. u r loved<

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question for the 9733 community ! Pls help? I finally have some music clips I’d like to post & i need 2 covert them from video 2 mp3 or whatever is necessary for uploading on here. I do all music stuff on my phone. Any advice on safely doing so? thnk U:’)

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*earthsofts last post plays in background* ~u matter and i’m sorry if the world around u doesn’t make that very clear. please b gentle with yourself and reach out for support. we care about u and u are worthy of love & safety. thank u for existing:’) <

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ty 4 existing, u r valid, u r loved <3

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screenshot of the first flyer i’ve ever made<3<3 sharing 4 art purposes but also if this is allowed um pleas hmu if you want me to make u smthn (free if needed) just no cops or terfs etc obvi! :) my apologies if this is not cool to post xx take care

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tree bark. i <3 9733

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a new waveform* ms paint experiment ~

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driver<3 (thank you for existing)

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one of my fave things i have ever written. from 2016?! <3

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hope this is aloud~ just want to offer up free visual art if any lovely people want album art done or want to collab etc :) take care <3

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